
Ben Jealous (Board Chairman) : Former President and CEO of the NAACP, President of the Rosenberg Foundation, Executive Director of the National Newspaper Publisher Association and director of the US Human Rights Program at Amnesty International.  He led the NAACP during its largest and most successful voter registration drive in 2012 when the association registered over 360,000 African Americans.

Andrew Wong (Board Member): Co-founder of and Vote Hope, Wong has run political campaigns since the mid-1980s beginning in the San Francisco Bay Area, electing people of color and gay community activists. His background in applied mathematics and computer data systems has enabled him to support numerous campaign infrastructures, including for Prop 54, targeting voters for effective campaigning by using a myriad of techniques for empowering niche constituencies.

Steve Phillips (Board Member):  A pioneer in political innovation, Steve created the country’s first Super PAC in 2007, and he is the founder and chairman of PowerPAC+, a social justice political network that was the first national group to back Senator Cory Booker and Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis.  He serves on the Board of The Democracy Alliance, the country’s largest network of progressive major donors.

Jotaka Eaddy (Board Member): As the former Senior Advisor to the President and CEO and Senior Director for Voting Rights for the NAACP, Eaddy has vast experience directing external affairs and strategic initiatives on a variety of issues. Most recently she has lead the NAACP’s strategy to defend and expand access to the ballot box. Before working at the NAACP, Eaddy served as the Senior Field Manager for USAction and the USAction Education Fund, and also served as Domestic Program Director for the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, among other roles.

Derrick Johnson (Board Member): Derrick Johnson serves as Founder and Executive Director of One Voice, Inc and State President for the Mississippi State Conference NAACP. He founded One Voice Inc. in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, in order to improve the quality of life for African Americans and other disenfranchised communities by increasing civic engagement in the formation of public policy. One Voice sponsors an annual Black Leadership Summit for elected and appointed officials and runs the Mississippi Black Leadership Institute, a nine month program to support local leadership development for emerging and established community leaders between the ages of 25 - 45.